Optimal Brain and Body


Training to Optimize

Brain Functions

Cutting-edge Neurofeedback Therapy provides a drug-free, non-invasive long term solution for many brain based conditions.

The human brain is one of the most complex structures in the Universe, but for the brain to function optimally, the parts of the brain must communicate with one another.

The brain accomplishes this communication by transmitting signals along neurons that connect one area of the brain to another. These signals are expressed as brainwaves. When your brain is regulated, you are focused and attentive, your memory is sharp, you are motivated, and you feel happy and healthy.

However, various symptoms and conditions may occur when your brain has trouble transmitting these signals. This is your brain's unique way of saying, "I need help!" and that is where Neurofeedback comes in.

Of course, there is the more traditional approach of using medication, but with Neurofeedback, there are no side effects, and it is completely painless and non-invasive.


Optimal Brain and Body

Brain training for ADHD to help children and adults improve their focus and attention while at school, work, or at home.

Optimal Brain and Body

Brain training for stress, anxiety, and depression to decrease negative thoughts and improve overall mood.

Optimal Brain and Body

Brain training for stress, anxiety, and depression to decrease negative thoughts and improve overall mood.

Optimal Brain and Body

Brain training for Autism to help desensitize the world and make a living a little more tolerable through sensory integration.

Optimal Brain and Body
Peak Performance
Peak Performance

Brain training for peak performance to keep you motivated, strong, and healthy to achieve total fitness.

Optimal Brain and Body

Insomnia can disrupt daily life by causing irritability, exhaustion, tiredness, and difficulty staying focused. If being tired all of the time isn’t bad enough, this affliction is also believed to be a risk factor for other diseases, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Optimal Brain and Body

Migraines can be triggered due to many factors, ranging from hormonal imbalance, light sensitivity, allergies, and dehydration to neuro-metabolic issues.

Optimal Brain and Body

If you are beginning to notice the signs of brain fog, forgetfulness, declining cognitive function, mixing up your words, asking the same questions repeatedly, or taking longer to perform normal tasks, these are all signs and symptoms of memory loss.

Discover How Your Brain Can Change

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways. Your brain is not hard-wired, it is not limited or fixed in it’s abilities to heal — you are in the driver’s seat. Find out more about how BrainCore neurofeedback therapy can help you achieve life changing results.